Monday, January 26, 2009

Capping off the 2008 year

This is an Illustration about Grieving with hope. "Nobody Has a Home Here"

A design I had for the Ely Poster 

Cover idea I had for the House of Mystery comic book cover(classroom assignment)

Art Dump II

Personal Piece done as a gift for my friend. "Never Gave a Damn About the Weather: Portrait of Joel"

Personal piece called "Submersive Temptations" 

Art Dump I

Fashion Illustration done for ad campaign geared toward an urban audience.

Personal about the environment called "The Sorrow of Mother Nature"

A piece about how in life you find yourself in places or situations you would have never have expected. entitled "The Best Part of Waking Up is Knowing That Your Alive"

Personal Piece entitled "Amorphous Serenity"

Personal Piece entitled "Swimming Lessons" Just wanted to share these oldies but goodies with everyone.